Monday, February 2, 2009


Today was the first day of my 12 weeks to Boston. We started out with some speed work but kept it short and sweet. 3 mile warm up and then 8x300s with mile cool down. Coach called for 60 secs. on the 300s and 2 minute rest. I felt pretty good and was a little impatient so I cut the rest to 1 minute for the first 4 300s and then for the last 4 I went with 1:30 on the rest. The weather was nice at 58 degrees and a little wind. Felt pretty good and the 300s came fairly easy.

Track Work out 1 2 3 4
300 :57 :58 :59 :59
Rest 1:03 1:02 1:01 1:01

5 6 7 8
300 :58 :52 :54 :52
Rest 1:32 1:38 1:36 1:38


  1. See how much faster you went once you extended the rest? That's what we were going for. Where did you run these?

  2. For a good explanation of the philosophy behind my last comment, read your current issue of Running Times, page 53, upper right hand corner.

  3. I ran them at Lava Ridge Elem/Sky View Mid schools. I only went faster toward the end because I knew the end was coming and I wouldn't wear myself down. It wasn't just the rest. At a 2 minute rest I could have ran all of them at 54 or less!

  4. The RT article refers to Hill Repeats but I think you point is to take the rest and have the sprint/hill climb be more intense. I wasn't sure what I could do and you called for 60 secs. so I tried to hit that but it felt slow so I picked it up. It was a good day. Nice weather and little wind.

  5. The 60 seconds wasn't intended for the track. Just if you were going to substitute for a fartlek if you couldn't get on the track. Next time I'll be more specific.

  6. Please do, remember I am still new to this running stuff. If you tell me to run as hard as I can and take 2 mins off then I will. IF you tell me to run 60 secs then that is what I will do. I believe I misread your intent because you didn't give me a time or effort for a track work out so I assumed 60 secs. I think regardless I got in a good work out.
