Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 15th -19th leading up to Boston

15th - This turned into a busy day as we were leaving the next day for Boston so I did not get a run in but since we are so close to the Marathon I don't think it makes much of a difference.

16th - Travel day. We were up at 3:30 am pst. On the plane from Redmond to Portland at 5:15 am pst. Caught our plane from PDX to BOS at 7:20 am pst. Arrived in Boston at 3:45 pm est. As we were waiting for our bags I saw Kara Groucher and since I just bought the new Runner's World magazine and she was on the front I asked her for her autograph. She was very kind and obliged. I am not big on autographs but I thought why not, she may end up winning the Boston Marathon. Our friend picked us up and we heading north to a small town called Byfield. No run again as I was on a plane all day and we were now off to dinner.

17th - Got lots of rest. Chance to sleep in without the kids and Cheryl and I both took full advantage. We woke up to a beautiful sunny day so I headed out for a 5 mile run with 3 miles at marathon pace. Got in the marathon pace 3 miles but took a wrong turn and ended up going 6.5 miles. It was a nice day and a good cool down. We spent the afternoon at the beach enjoying the nice weather. Friday night we headed to Woodmans in Essex for some "Lobster Rolls" and seafood. Cheryl and I each had 1 1/2 lobster rolls, clam chowder and some onion rings. Great food, good company and a time to relax.

18th - Lots of rest again but the weather was changing. The weatherman was still call for cool temps, possible rain and WIND for the marathon on Monday. Got out for a short 30 minute jog just trying to loosen up the legs. Did some stretching and then just sat around and read books and magazines. That evening we went to some friends house for social hour and to meet their new goats. Yep, goats, we were kind of in the country and they lived on 3 acres so it all made sense. After social hour we all gathered for dinner out the "ranch" (34 acres) in Byfield and had a yummy family feast. Then it was off to bed.

19th - As awoke in the morning the clouds have moved in and the wind was picking up. Not too cold but it was still uncertain what the weather would be like for the Marathon although they were pretty sure the rain would hold off until after the race. No run today as it was the day before the marathon and rest was important. We just kind of hung out at the house and had breakfast until it was time to head back to Boston and check into our hotel. We checked in and then had a nice 1.5 mile walk to Downtown Boston and the Convention Center for packet pick up. Waiting until Sunday was nice as there was no line and the not too many people walking around looking at the booths. We spent a little time walking around until meeting up with my parents for dinner. Kept it simple, Cheesecake Factory and had Pasta with Chicken and some bread. After dinner we went back to the Hotel and I got all of my stuff prepared for the marathon so I did not have much to do in the morning. Went to bed about 8:30 pm. Took a little bit to get to sleep but I figured I was asleep by 9:30 pm

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 13-14

True Taper week for Boston on April 20th. The time is coming and now its a matter of a little speed work and staying healthy. Emotions are starting to run high but I am calmed by my responsibilities at work and the business of getting ready to leave. Body feels good with no injuries.

13th - 3 miles
14th - 2 mi warm up Mile repeats with coach andy and 3 min rest 2 mi warm down
1st mile 5:58, 2nd 6:16, 3rd 6:41, 4th 6:52. I had a little trouble pacing myself and went out too fast. Didn't get tired so to speak just had to listen to coach and take it down a notch. Good repeats in 32 degrees with snow flurries and 20 knot winds.

April 6th - 12

My blog posts are getting fewer and fewer as the miles increase and the stress from work leave me exhausted at night. I save my energy for eating and playing with the kids. So here is a quick recap of the week.

6th - 8 miles in 57:22 with Coach Martin
7th - 4 measly miles
8th - off
9th - off
10th - 6.5 miles 48:50
11th - 12 miles 1:32
12th - 5 miles 35:30

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mar 30th - Apr 5th

30th - recover day after race, no run
31st - SPEED DAY
2 mi warm up
800 3, 130 r, 800 252, 130 r, 800 258, 130 r, 800 252, 200 r, 800 250, 200 r, 800 252, 200 r, 800 251, 200 r, 800 249
1st - off
2nd - 10 miles 1:17 7:42 pace
3rd - Easy 5
4th - Long 20 miles
Decided to explore a new loop and get in 20-21 on a beautiful Saturday morning. Unfortunately my homemade map failed me and I took a wrong turn heading out. I hit some dry creek beds and gained about 400' in 1 mile. After that it was time to turn around. The 6 mi out back would give me 12 and I could do another 4 out and back to get in the 20 miles. On the way back I took a wrong turn. After a while I knew I was heading too much West when I need to be going North or East. I jumped off the gravel road to look for help out a house. Nobody there and driveway gate was locked. Found another road and prayed for a car or to see someone. I wasn't lost but was out for 3 hours and Cheryl needed me home soon. Finally a car came. They were nice enough to give me a ride back to my car after 19 miles. I was still 4-5 miles from my car and at the pace I was going it would have been a while.
19 miles about 3 hours.
5th - Recovery run of 7 miles in 54 mins.