Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mar 30th - Apr 5th

30th - recover day after race, no run
31st - SPEED DAY
2 mi warm up
800 3, 130 r, 800 252, 130 r, 800 258, 130 r, 800 252, 200 r, 800 250, 200 r, 800 252, 200 r, 800 251, 200 r, 800 249
1st - off
2nd - 10 miles 1:17 7:42 pace
3rd - Easy 5
4th - Long 20 miles
Decided to explore a new loop and get in 20-21 on a beautiful Saturday morning. Unfortunately my homemade map failed me and I took a wrong turn heading out. I hit some dry creek beds and gained about 400' in 1 mile. After that it was time to turn around. The 6 mi out back would give me 12 and I could do another 4 out and back to get in the 20 miles. On the way back I took a wrong turn. After a while I knew I was heading too much West when I need to be going North or East. I jumped off the gravel road to look for help out a house. Nobody there and driveway gate was locked. Found another road and prayed for a car or to see someone. I wasn't lost but was out for 3 hours and Cheryl needed me home soon. Finally a car came. They were nice enough to give me a ride back to my car after 19 miles. I was still 4-5 miles from my car and at the pace I was going it would have been a while.
19 miles about 3 hours.
5th - Recovery run of 7 miles in 54 mins.


  1. Hi Ryan - Well made plans can go astray so let us refer to this run as an adventure. Thanks for nice people who come along at a good time - right? As the Eveready rabbit would say - keep on hoppin'. Gram

  2. P.S. WRONG - Everready rabbit says, " keeps on goin'. goin, goin, goin" and that is what you do!! Gram

  3. Yes, the nice people were truly a blessing. And my prayers were answered as I needed them at that time.
