Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 13-14

True Taper week for Boston on April 20th. The time is coming and now its a matter of a little speed work and staying healthy. Emotions are starting to run high but I am calmed by my responsibilities at work and the business of getting ready to leave. Body feels good with no injuries.

13th - 3 miles
14th - 2 mi warm up Mile repeats with coach andy and 3 min rest 2 mi warm down
1st mile 5:58, 2nd 6:16, 3rd 6:41, 4th 6:52. I had a little trouble pacing myself and went out too fast. Didn't get tired so to speak just had to listen to coach and take it down a notch. Good repeats in 32 degrees with snow flurries and 20 knot winds.

1 comment:

  1. Things are looking good. Impressive repeats...especially considering the weather out there tonight. Pretty cool that your coach joined you for the workout. Was he able to keep up?
    Get your rest and start praising God now for the success you will have in Boston. He likes that kind of Faith.
