Monday, March 30, 2009

Boston Marathon Packet Has Arrived

My official packet with my race number has arrived. If anyone wants to follow my progress during the race you can do so on-line at My race number is 4413. If your really a tech geek you can also sign up for cell phone alerts by AT&T.

Mar 29th RACE DAY

29th - Horse Butte 10 miler
This is the first race of the season in Bend and it as a reputation for being lousy weather. Last year it was 30 degrees and snowing and I had just started running and killed myself with a 1:18:30. This year, no snow but plenty of wind. By mile 3 as we were heading up to the Plateau it was picking up and from miles 5-8 we were looking at 20-30 knot winds in our face. Needless to say it was a bit frustrating but I just pushed on and stayed on track for my splits prescribed by Coach Andy. Below is what I was suppose to run and what I did run for 2 mile splits.
2 mi 1350 1353
4 mi 2830 2900
6 mi 4245 4300
8 mi 5630 5600
10 mi 7000 6949

So I hit my splits pretty much, powered through the wind, and PR'd by almost 9 mins. Not a bad day for a race.

Mar 25-28

25th - Nada

26th - LSD on a nice afternoon/evening and a beautiful trail to run on. Headed from Footzone out to Old Mill and caught the haul road and then headed over the ridge to the River Trail out to Big Eddy and then came back for a nice 17 mile run. Not the 20 I was to get in but a solid effort on a good course and it felt like 18-20 miles.

27th - Didn't get out

28th - 6 miles easy on a very windy day. Race tomorrow, no need to push anything.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mar 23-24

23 - easy 4 miles pushing Reid in the jogger. It had been too long since he had gone on a run with me so I took him out and fought the wind.

24 - 1.3 mi. 10 min warm up.
6 mi. tempo run on Canal road.
1.3 mi. 10 min cool down

1 - 646
2 - 648
3 - 648
4 - 658
5 - 643
6 - 640

Mar 20-22

20 - off
21 - LSD, 20 miles 2:41 about 8 min pace. Lots of hills as I ran from my house and headed west down OB Riley and then turned up Johnson rd and went up, up, up until reaching the bottom at Shevlin Park. Then it was up again. Came back Newport, Penn, Olney, Neff and back to my house. It was hard but not terrible. The weather held up and it was a pleasant morning.
22 - off

Mar 16-19

16 - off
17 - 12 mi. at 8 min pace with PBR's at 2 mins up 1 min down.
18 - off
19 - 2 mi. 13:16, 1:30 rest, 2 mi. 12:54, 1:30 rest, 1 mi. 6:10, 1:30 rest, 800 2:50, 1:30 rest, 400 1:14, cool down

Not a great midweek but not bad either.

Mar 15th Shamrock 15k

3 goals:

1 - PR from last years 1:02
2 - Run a pace to finish in under an hour
3 - Run 58 mins if its a good day

Since I didn't get in a long run and had 2 days off I knew I would be well rested. The real question come race day would be how strong would I be up the hills and how fast could I run down the hills. The weather was another big question as it was calling for ran and WIND! Sure enough, it rained, not a big deal. The WIND was blustery but fortunately the buildings and trees did a good job of keeping the wind to a minimum.

My thought was to run the first 5 miles up hill in 32:30, 6:30 pace or close to. I was at 33:30 at the 5 mile mark so I knew I would have to pick it up a little to get to 58 minutes. As we started to head down hill I was focusing on not going to soon and thus bonking. At 6 miles I made sure I was keeping a steady pace with a slight pick up. By mile 9 I was at full speed and feel strong for the final push. As I approached the finish line 58:20 felt really good!

1 617, 2 650, 3 651, 4 642, 5 604, 6 603, 7 602, 8 554, 9 541, .3 149
9.3 mi 58:20 6:15 pace

Mar 11-14

Bad part of the week. Too much work, little sleep and not enough running.
11 - 4 mi
12 - off
13 - off
14 - 5 mi

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mar 8-10

8th - You earned a short reprieve. 16-18 miles on the roads. Make it relaxed, you don’t need to pick it up at the end, but don’t slow down either. :)

I decided on the 16 miler as this was a step back week and we wanted to keep it easy. Headed out to the canal road.
AVG HR 137 Peak 165
4 mi 32:13
8 mi 31:38
12 mi 32:09
16 mi 31:51
Totatl 2:07:53 pace 7:59

I am getting good with my pace. I didn't look at my Garmin each mile, just ran and hit the lap button at every 4 miles.

I did this same run a month ago and finished in 2:10 and that was with 2-3 stops and my HR much higher. I must be getting in better shape.

9th - back in the zone 8 miler. 7:30-45 pace + 4 good strides
How about 7 miles in 7:41 pace with strides

10th - AM: easy 4 wake-up PM: You can join the “performance group” for Pilot Butte reps at 5:30 or do your own. I’m calling for 4 X 4 min. hard up with a jog down. 2 miles warm-up and warm down.

Didn't make the early easy 4 mi. I did get in a 3 mi warm up and the 4x4 in PBR's with a 3 mi cool down.
4x4 min PBR's Avg 146 Peak 166

Mar 5-7

5th - Nice late afternoon early evening run on Sisemore road. This is a cinder road that is not traveled much. Temps were in the mid 40's with not too much wind

workout: 12 mile fulcrum on Sisemore. First 6 miles relaxed at 140+- bpm. When you turn around let the hill naturally bring HR up to 150-155, last 2 miles at 160. Should be a good hard run by the end.

4 mi - 30:15 avg HR 135
8 mi - 60:00 avg HR 144
9 mi - 1:07:40 avg HR 156 (this was the hill)
10 mi - 1:15:10 avg HR 149
11 mi - 1:21:49 avg HR 158
12 mi - 1:28:20 avg HR 162

What a great run and it didn't even hurt too much!!!!!!!! :)

6th - Easy 4 mi

7th -
FZWRS #3. You picked the course so You better make it count. This needs to be sub 6 min. pace.
(2 mi warm up and 2 mi cool down))
I did pick the course but it was not an easy one and it was very windy. Everyone ran slow including myself.

3 miles in 19:25 avg HR 163 peak 176

Mar 2-4

2nd - Easy 7 miles recovery after long run

3rd - easy 4 miles am, didn't get in the PM 6x1000 intervals

4th - Day off

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mar 1st - LONG RUN

1st - Headed out at about 10 am on the Andy's Tumalo Loop for 20 miles. Weather was to warm up so I opted for the light wool gloves, not good. The rain started an hour in and it did NOT warm up. It was about 38 and raining with a slight wind so it felt like 30. My hands got wet and cold and by the 2 hour mark my right hand was frozen and numb. It felt like I had a prosthetic as I could feel my right hand. I fought through the distraction and motored up over the hills. The course is down hill for the first 10 miles and then back up. Although the weather was terrible and my hands were freezing I was able to come in at 2:44 for the 20 miles cutting 9 mins off my time on the same course back in Sept. I felt pretty good throughout the run and ended with a 143 HR avg and an 8:07 pace.

Feb 26-28

26th - 6 miles easy scheduled but then Andy called and said lets go for a run. He met me at my house so we could head to the Canal road. Nice day for an afternoon run and since he had a marathon on Sunday he was looking for an easy run which meant it would be a tempo run for me, sure enough, 8 miles in 56 mins for 7 min pace.

27th - Easy 6 miles

28th - Easy 7 miles